Horses are magnificent creations. They are wild, majestic — and can surpass almost anything with their outstanding beauty. 

The most beautiful horse you have ever seen in your life might be the very horse we are about to introduce.

This horse we are referring to is from Turkey and has been called the most beautiful horse in the world by experts. 

Image result for akhal teke horse | Los caballos más bellos, Razas ...

He’s an Akhal-Teke, a breed that is a direct descendant of the extinct Turkoman horse that lived in ancient times.

There’s currently only 3,500 of these kind of horses in the world.

This particular horse, which you can see below, looks like he’s been dipped in gold.

The hair of some Akhal-Teke’s is so “fine and silky that it gives a special metallic sheen to any colour”, according to the International Association of Akhal-Teke Breeding.

The Akhal-Teke has an incredibly beautiful coat that gleams in the sunlight. It’s a thoroughbred and stands between 58 and 64 inches (147 and 163 cm). In China, the horse goes by the name ‘the horse from heaven’.

And this incredible creature sure looks heavenly.

The reason for its shiny shimmer lies in the structure of its fur, which is designed to act as a light intensifier and to throw back the light rays, according to the experts.

It is believed that the ‘Akhal-Teke’ is born with this golden fur in order to use it as a camouflage in the desert.

The breed is said to originate in Achal, Turkmenistan and dates back perhaps 3,000 years, making it the world’s oldest breed and the first to be domesticated. If you are traveling to Turkmenistan, you will notice that the breed is on their coat of arms, banknotes and even stamps.

A race horse, the Akhal-Teke’s were bred for speed, beauty, size, and strength. They are still raced in Turkmenistan. Unfortunately, the horse is listed as threatened on the Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List (CPL).

Enjoy watching this gorgeous natural miracle in this video below.

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