The oldest and proud tradition in the state of Campeche is the celebration of the arrival of the Black Christ, Lord of San Román. Here we show you a graphic report of the beginning of the festival.
Emblematic custom of the arrival of the Black Christ, Lord of San Román.

With more than 300 years of being carried out faithfully, the people of Campeche dress up for the party for 21 days to commemorate the 459th anniversary of his arrival in the town of San Francisco.

The legend of the Black Christ, Lord of San Román

Legend has it that on September 14, 1565, a ship from Alvarado, Veracruz, arrived in Campeche waters, crossing a stormy sea, bringing with it the image of the Black Christ, carved in Italy from fine ebony.
It is said that a dark-skinned man took the helm and safely brought the boat with the precious Divine treasure to the coasts of Campeche.

The sea trip

Every year, the people of Campeche prepare to live the tradition and remember that faith is capable of overcoming even the most fearsome storm: it is the offering to the lord of San Román Mártir, patron saint of fishermen, when the Christ of the Seas returns to the waters of the port of Campeche.

September 8 is the day when the crossing of the image of the Black Christ through the bay is recreated.

The image advances triumphantly through the waters of the sea, moving every fiber of faith of the people of Campeche who accompany it on its journey along the boardwalk, recreating its arrival just as it occurred in the 16th century.

Beginning of the festivity and the worship of the image

The recreation of the sea trip marks the beginning of the festivities in honor of the Black Christ.
During this time of veneration, the doors of the church of San Román remain open; Hundreds of parishioners flock to the image of the Black Christ at all hours.
The image represents a union of love among the people of Campeche, since they have attended his meeting since childhood to thank him, say their prayers and accompany him during this time when they feel closer to the Lord of San Román.

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