President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Good morning everyone.

With the permission of the President of the Republic and all of you, I would like to give a brief overview of the economic and social actions that we have carried out in our State to face the enormous challenge that the health emergency has represented. Since March 2, we have installed the State Health Safety Council, from which specific and precise decisions have been made to deal with the contingency. Campeche is in 29th place with less active cases of Covid-19 and at all time it has maintained among the five states with the fewest active cases; As of yesterday, June 2, there are 712 confirmed positive cases of covid-19, 148 active positives, 472 recovered and 92 that unfortunately lost their lives. For four days, we have not had deaths from Covid reported on the national platform; in two municipalities there are no active cases, Calakmul and Palizada, only three positive cases were reported yesterday. We are the 31st place nationwide, with the less cases of contagion of health sector personnel; Our health security policy, in the face of the pandemic, is developed according to the criteria of the federal institutions, including the observance of the traffic light instrumented by the federal Health authorities. Two days ago, thanks to his arrangement we received the donation of 59 ventilators to expand the capacity for the care of patients with respiratory failure; We are, at the peninsular level, the entity with the highest number of respirators of which, at the present time only 11% are occupied.

Campeche is one of the five states in the country with the most beds for every 100,000 inhabitants; of which, currently, there is an occupation of 14%.
We have strengthened the supply of medicines and we are currently over 80% of the medical keys; this means that the federal and state health institutions in Campeche are one team.
There is no border that divides the labor of the IMSS, ISSSTE, Sedena, Semar and Pemex, with state health agencies, on the contrary, there is the same purpose and the same commitment to the health of all citizens of the state.
In terms of security, we have formed a great team to take care of Campeche with the participation of the National Guard, the Army, the Navy and the National Intelligence Center, as well as the State Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of Public Security; Thanks to this, we occupy the third position in the State with the lowest number of intentional homicides.
We have the first place in fewer kidnappings, since there are no events for this illicit in the period from January to April of this year and I take this opportunity to inform you that, at the end of May, we continue to have zero kidnappings.
Campeche has the lowest crime rate in the country and, consequently, it is the safest State in Mexico; this, according to data from the National Public Security System.
On the subject of police certification, again and for the fifth consecutive year, our entity occupies the first place at the national level also the State has all its police evaluated in medical, psychological, polygraphic and social environment examinations.
Furthermore, according to National Diagnosis of Penitentiary Supervision carried out by the National Human Rights Commission, Campeche occupies the first place with the highest qualification in the Southeast Zone.
During the Health Emergency, the Covid-19 State Table and the State Council of Civil Protection were installed, so that all the state agencies work in this contingency and avoid, among other things, the shortage of food and medical supplies, as well gasoline and gas to ensure that nothing is missing in the entity.
Likewise, we implement special patrols in stores and supply centers, in hospitals and drug warehouses, as well surveillance in the delivery of state and federal social programs.
In terms of economic reactivation, we are prepared and ready for the new normality; More than 100 million pesos are invested in programs and actions in the agricultural sector.
We started the delivery of 4,882 tons of fertilizers, for the benefit of 24,634 peasant producers; We promote the Del Huerto a tu Mesa program, Mercadito Itinerante, supporting our producers and strengthening local consumption; we created the community garden program for food self-sufficiency; and the delivery of grain technology packages. We achieved the only certified nursery in the southeast of the country, to supply the Sembrando Vida program, one of its priority programs, Presidente; We built more harvesting roads, wells and jaguars to strengthen primary activities. And, in the midst of these difficult times, at the Ingenio La Joya the record of one million tons of sugar cane was reached, thanks to a sector of very hard-working people such as sugar cane growers, in this industry that supports thousands of hearty families. In the fishing activity, we deliver in advance the payment for closure and low catch, in support of more than 7 thousand coastal, high-altitude and permitting fishermen, representing an amount of almost 15 million pesos. For the return of the activities of the hotel and tourism sector, Campeche implemented the «Clean Point» Quality Certification in Good Hygiene Practices program; National tourism will be in search of destinations such as Campeche which, with its safety, natural and historical wealth, gastronomy, services and attention to visitors, it can become one of the first destinations to visit. In the coming days, we will deliver more tourist equipment, such as trams, to continue advancing in the strengthening of tourist activity in the municipalities of the State. In matter, of port operation it is worth mentioning that the Port of Seybaplaya, due to its geographical location, it has the potential to become the arrival point for the millions of cubic tons of ballast that will be required to sustain the Maya Train tracks; This year, the State Government will invest 70 million pesos to consolidate this port as one of the most important at the service of Petróleos Mexicanos. Aware of the difficulties that the pandemic is generating, through my government we have taken the following important decisions in economic and social matters: The Covid-19 Contingent Credit Program was opened, with a pool of 30 million to grant loans to MSMEs ´S; the payment of credits held by companies and individuals with state public institutions was deferred for up to 90 days.
It has been boosted since day one of the contingency, electronic commerce and the fluidity of the supply chain have been promoted, through digital tools, to encourage local purchasing; The Consume Campeche application is created, which has more than 500 local companies, which were linked to home delivery platforms; The Credit Program for Cultural and Creative Companies was launched, with a maximum financing amount of 30 thousand pesos each.
On May 15, we launched the NAFIN + Campeche Impulse Program with a purse of 238 million pesos, in financing from 50 thousand to 5 million pesos, to support industry, commerce and services; and thus, contribute to the conservation of jobs during the health emergency.
And to promote support for merchants and micro-enterprises, 18 million pesos were invested to grant microcredits ranging from 5 to 10 thousand pesos, without endorsement, guarantees or credit bureau; Likewise, with an investment of 16 million pesos, we began the recovery of more than 400 public spaces to generate jobs in the communities and invigorate the economy.
I have instructed that the Food Strengthening Plan start this week with an investment of 14 and a half million pesos, in support of indigenous women, heads of families.
We will invest more than 17 million pesos in unemployment insurance,for the benefit of the people in vulnerable situations; more than 100 million pesos will be invested in basic social infrastructure focused on reducing social deficiencies; These social programs will benefit more than 35 thousand families directly and more than 100 thousand indirectly.
I want to thank each and every one of the municipal presidents who have delivered thousands of pantries to help with the food task throughout our geography, highlighting the work of the state DIF, headed by my wife Victoria, and of the DIF presidents municipal.
Likewise, in various parts of the state capital and in our cities and communities, there have been countless heroes who make and give food to support the people who have the least.
We also gave the starting signal to a fleet of 10 new cistern pipes that strengthen the water supply, so necessary in the contingency; We deliver new garbage collection trucks to strengthen the task of urban cleaning, so important at this moment.
As never before, more than 2,400 million pesos are being invested in works distributed throughout the entity; In a decisive manner, all public construction must be carried out with material purchased exclusively from peasant companies, and the local labor must be hired.
Without distinguishing of colors or parties, all the municipalities of the State will be benefit from these works to reactivate and boost the economy and all its supply chain.
On an issue of great social importance, with the support of the President of the Republic and the Federal Electricity Commission, we managed to build a unique model, in the national level, of tariff support in the consumption of electrical energy.
This agreement has two main aspects: The change in the domestic rate from 1C to the lowest, which is 1F, in three of the entity’s municipalities; and the state subsidy of 50% in the concept of electrical energy in eight other municipalities, during the summer period, which runs from April 1 to September 30.
This benefit applies as long the consumption tab kilowatt-month, kilowatt-bimester, established by municipality, is not exceeded; To give an example, the tabulator for the municipality of Campeche is 400 kilowatt-month, 800 kilowatt-bimester, in which we will pay 50%.
I advise all campechanos the efficient consumption of electrical energy for as long as families stay at home; For more information on the tabulator, it can be consulted in official announcements.
I take advantage of this space to announce, in the face of the health emergency and the greater consumption of electrical energy due to safekeeping at home: I extend 50% of the subsidy to the concept of energy, also for the municipalities of Carmen, Candelaria and Palizada that already have the rate 1F, which completes the benefit of the subsidy for all the municipalities of the entity
This action, with an investment of 130 million pesos that benefits 267 thousand families, and it is 85% of the State.
It is precisely in this framework of professional, coordinated and shared work that we receive you today Mr.President Andres Manuel López Obrador, to promote the Mayan Train together; Here, I want to clarify that, of the 130 million, 70 million are given by the federal government reducing the rate from 1C to 1F.
I am sure it will be a construction of importance for us campechanos, for the southeast and for Mexico, which will expand development of opportunities like never before; We believe in this project, we believe in the President and we believe that Campechanos and Mexicans will move forward
All the government actions, which we have referred , represent a scrupulous and transparent management of the property of citizens, strengthened with budget savings to invest them in the most important needs of the campechanos; All of this has been done with the State’s own resources and, to this day, not a single peso of credit has been requested, because I, Mr.President, know that I count on you and you have the people of Campeche.
Thank you thank you very much.
Translated by Patricia Rubio