We last got a glimpse at Queen Letizia of Spain’s stylish daughters back in February at the opening of the Spanish parliament. Princess Leonor , 14, and Princess Sofia , 12, are next expected to be seen on April 23 for the Spanish Dia del libro (book day) celebrations. Although, if they do make an appearance it’ll be via Internet connection, it will still be interesting to see their stay-at-home style, and if, as in past occasions, they show their differences in the way they dress. Here’s a look back at some of the royal sisters’ past appearances, two princesses equally stylish but with a slightly different take on fashion.

Similarity: Matching capes
Princesses Leonor and Sofia were last seen in February at the opening of the Spanish parliament and opted for matching black capes – perfectly coordinated with mom Queen Letizia.

Difference: Dress styles
The sisters do have a different taste in dress styles. While Leonor favors a feminine belted dress with fuller skirts, younger (but taller!) sister Sofia prefers a minimal, straight cut.

Similarity: Color blocking
They’re great at coordinating their shoes (usually from the brand Pretty Ballerinas) with their dresses. Although they often choose different colors, they invariably dress in the same intensity of shade.

Difference: Pointed v rounded shoes
Although both Leonor and Sofia love their ballarina shoes, younger Sofia has been opting for a more pointed toe recently while Leonor sticks with the rounded version.

Similarity: hair styles
The royal sisters invariably wear their hair in the same style, whether it’s matching braids or in half-up dos.

Difference: Pants v skirts
Although they generally opt for very similar outfits, Sofia has sometimes gone for a more casual pants look while older sister Leonor sticks to dresses in the main.

Similarity: Classic casual
Although they tend to wear contrasting clothes at official acts, their casual looks are almost identical. From their straight-leg pants, plain sweaters and matching macs – they even wear their hair the same way!

Similarity: Twinning in tweed
Coco Chanel made tweed a big thing over 100 years ago and royals are still a huge fan of its timeless elegance. Even from a young age Leonor and Sofia have been wearing this fabric, albeit in different shades.