With the instruction of the Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González, to promote Campeche in tourism by following all biosafety protocols, the head of the Secretary of Tourism, Jorge Enrique Manos Esparragoza, presented the new prevention campaign against COVID-19 «MAKE RESPONSIBLE TOURISM» .

This campaign is launched with the main objective of making visitors aware of respecting the sanitary measures of the destination, emphasizing mainly that in the state the use of face masks is obligatory. Likewise, tourists are invited to look for establishments and services that have Clean Point, Safe travels and Responsible Company certifications endorsed by the corresponding authorities, which provide a safer stay.
Manos Esparragoza announced the main activities that are considered as options for visitors, in the next Easter holiday period, which runs from March 27 of this year to April 11, 2021.
During the conference, it was explained that tourist attractions and service providers are ready to receive visitors; and it was also informed about the strategies that are being implemented previous to the holiday period, where a increase in activity is expected with the arrival of tourists coming mostly from CDMX, Tabasco, Yucatán and Quintana Roo, who are looking for a safe destination like Campeche.
The state official commented that, during the Easter holiday period, SECTUR will continue to work hand in hand with entrepreneurs in the sector and INAH, highlighting that “Campeche continues on Green Traffic Light, but we must not lower our guard, respect the measures of health and reinforce the promotion and prevention campaigns against COVID-19, since it is essential to take care of locals and those who visit us ”.
Finally, the secretary mentioned that good results are expected, estimating a hotel occupancy of between 38 and 40 percent in the state.
Translated BY Patricia Rubio