With the instruction of Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González to continue working in favor of tourism in the State, the Tourism Secretariat of the Executive Power (SECTUR) in coordination with the Calkiní City Council, inaugurated the Photographic Parador of the Municipal Board of Bécal .
The Secretary of Tourism, Jorge Manos Esparragoza, said that Bécal is an important benchmark for artisan activity in our State, since in this community the renowned jipi palm hats are made and added that Calkiní has attractions with potential for development, so it is will continue to promote tourism in this region

The inauguration was attended by the Mayor of Calkiní, Roque Sánchez Golib; the president of the Municipal Board of Bécal, Candelaria Pacheco Uc; and the Deputy for the XVII District, Oscar Eduardo Uc Dzul.