New audio of ‘Alito’ reveals a derogatory nickname that he used when talking about his nephew. In the material exposed in Jaguar Tuesday program, it is assured that the young man’s problem was the lack of experience and political profession.

The governor of Campeche presented a new chapter, in which she revealed conversations that the National President of the PRI had with the party adviser, Vladimir de la Torre

Layda Sansores San Román, governor of Campeche, revealed in the most recent broadcast of Tuesday of the Jaguar, a conversation between Alejandro Alito Moreno Cárdenas and Vladimir de la Torre, advisor to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

Not even Christian Castro Bello, former candidate for governor of Campeche in the 2021 elections and nephew of the national president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, was spared from being accused by his uncle of being a  asshole…» by wanting to get out of the bondage represented by his in-law.

The conversations took place between 2019 and 2021, in which the PRI president insulted several members of the bench, including the former candidate for the Campeche governorship, Christian Castro Bello, who lost to the morenista and current president in the 2021 .

“I am amazed at what he says about Christian Castro who is supposed to be like his son, his favorite and he told him everything… Imagine a party president talking that way even about his own family. He does not get tired! ”,

inform Sansores.

In the conversations it can be seen that the National President of the PRI said that the former candidate was an «asshole *», after an alleged statement he made in 2019, two years before the state elections.

On March 13, 2020, Alito Moreno shared with his adviser a column from SDP Noticias, in which Federico Arreola reported that Claudio X. González, president of Mexicanos Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI), sponsored a inquest on Reforma. the approval of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), which was «spooned» by the interests of the businessman.

«The extreme right finances inquests in that newspaper,» accused the column shared by the PRI party adviser, to later ask him to prepare a complete investigation, which included graphic material on NEXUM, where supposedly the daughter of the owner of Reforma was .

«Investigate everything, you know, in case the p*ts get hard, we’ll take that out with all the background information with photos and everything (sic),» Moreno ordered De la Torre.

He added that he also needed them to start doing «things» because they were being very good and what they needed was «to be some sons of a bitch now.»

“You have to make those who bitch us to keep them entertained because if not they are bitching us and bitching us there as idiots, we have to entertain them too. All right.»

In another conversation they had on March 28, 2020, Alito Moreno spoke badly of «el gordo Andrade» and asked the adviser to use bot accounts to attack him. On July 28 of that same year, the PRI member asked his partner to integrate data on the local governments of Morena into the presentation of a conference «to contrast with those of the PRI, give them a bashing.»

Again on August 8, Alito Moreno criticized Castro Bello, calling him an «asshole» and asking Vladimir de la Torre to train him, since he had to form character for decision-making towards the Campeche government elections.

In another conversation on December 1 of that year, he asked the adviser to «put the Yucatecans» to «generate hatred» in Campeche and to coordinate with «Toni» to communicate with the «campe guaches», people who according to him They are folksy but live in another entity.

In the last conversation broadcast on Jaguar Tuesday, Alito Moreno called PRI legislator Sulub Caamal Miguel Ángel an «asshole» after the adviser informed him that he had a meeting with him to discuss the presence of Ana Martha Escalante in a municipality.

In his conversations with the party adviser, he spoke ill of his fellow PRI members, whom he called «assholes», including the former candidate for governor of Campeche, Castro Bello, of whom he has good references in public. .

Translated By Patricia Rubio 

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