…The ship of the American Queen Voyages shipping company made its third arrival of four scheduled …
They announce the commercialization of 10 additional dates starting in November of this year
As part of the actions to promote the State of Campeche as a destination international tourist,it arrives in Campeche the third of four scheduled arrivals, the cruise ship Ocean Voyager of the shipping company American Queen Voyages with 45 passengers and 75 crew members.
On this occasion,the head of the Secretary of Tourism, Mauricio Arceo Piña, in coordination with the director of the Port Administration of Campeche (APICAM) Agapito Ceballos Fuentes, welcomed the ship’s captain, Gary Kerr, making the traditional exchange of plates and a tour of the ship’s facilities.
The exchange of plates is a traditional event that takes place between the shipping company and the State, each time it arrives at a new port. In his speech, the captain of the Ocean Voyager expressed that he was very grateful and happy with Campeche. For this reason, the company is marketing around 10 additional dates starting in November of this year.
During the protocol they were also accompanied by the Secretary of Economic Development, Fernando Gamboa Rosas; Cinthia Velázquez Rivera, municipal president of Seybaplaya; the commander of the Third Naval Region, Admiral Abraham Eloy Caballero Rosas; Rear Admiral Alfredo Ramón Enríquez Delgado, commander of the Champotón Naval Sector; Rear Admiral Joel Castuera Hophann, Customs administrator; and Vice Admiral Roberto González López of the National Migration Institute.
Translated by Patricia Rubio