MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico announced a huge bet on Chinese vaccines Tuesday, without making…More
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico announced a huge bet on Chinese vaccines Tuesday, without making…More
By Jackie Salo China has made anal COVID-19 swabs mandatory for all foreign travelers arriving in…More
Alexander Nazaryan National Correspondent WASHINGTON — A new strain of the coronavirus, known as B.1.526,…More
The Covid shots are intended for senior citizens in over 600 municipalities A shipment of…More
Average of daily case numbers is down 42% this month There will be no red…More
The shot has a «favorable safety profile» and is shown to be effective against severe…More
CAMPECHE Mexico (Times Media Mexico) – Plastic Oceans is one of the world’s leading nonprofits, fighting…More
GENEVA (AP) – The World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday that it had put six…More
Administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine begins Monday at 1,081 vaccination centers across the country The…More
Every February 15, the global childhood cancer community celebrates International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD), in…More