• Governor Layda Sansores San Román closed the XVII Mexican Petroleum Congress
  • The governor of Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya received the courier for the next edition of the CMP
  • Campeche is from today a new official headquarters for a next CMP for the excellent organization
  • Congress left a minimum spill of 150 million pesos

Closing the XVII Mexican Petroleum Congress (CMP), Governor Layda Elena Sansores San Román stressed that thanks to the energy policy of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, today there is a watershed for Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), since they work with everything to get from the dust to this great company, the pride of Mexico and to show that it can be done and that its rescue is a reality.

At the Closing Dinner that was held at the Campeche XXI Convention and Exhibition Center where she delivered the baton to her Tamaulipas counterpart, Américo Villarreal Anaya, Governor Sansores San Román stressed that the success of this oil congress «has been one of those surprises that life gives us and that suddenly in a year our mentality also changes with a new chip that yes we can”.

“And yes, it is possible, when you have a brother who came here, the engineer Leonardo Aguilera Gómez to give everything, and with his team, to teach us with all the patience, to suffer and to live the challenges that were presented here. . Believe me, this is a very jubilant moment for us, ”she stressed.

“I want to tell you that you came and filled the streets with joy and also our hearts. We feel that they came like a fresh breeze to give us new breath and remember well that we want to see you soon, and don’t forget that Campeche is your home. But his home forever and ever,” she said.

She offered that when they want to organize the congress again, “we are going to leave the tent up and all this already fixed at once so that they don’t bother anymore. Here we always wait for you, with open arms. In Campeche we are all AMLO, it is an honor to be with Obrador and it is an honor to be with the Pemex team and with all of you who have given a touch of life, light, and color to this land of Campeche.»

For his part, Villarreal Anaya described the CMP carried out in Campeche as extraordinary and that it left a great taste in their mouths. “We are very pleased to be here today with you who set the bar very high for us to be able to overcome a congress as beautiful as this one, but we are going to do our best to receive you next year”.

He highlighted the signing of the collaboration agreement between the energy agencies of Campeche and Tamaulipas «signed here today with our friend and fellow governor Layda Sansores with whom we can have all the confidence that with this we will have an increasingly better organization that helps to potentiate more these big events.


During his speech, the Executive President of CMP 2023, Leonardo Aguilera Gómez, informed that during this event the goals were broken, since the figure of more than nine thousand participants was reached, of which six thousand were congressmen and two thousand 500 exhibitors of 150 service and technology companies, as well as another three thousand support people.

In total they added 36 hours of exposition, fulfilling the program 100 percent, with more than 200 technical expositions, which are equivalent to 90 continuous hours of talk, and an economic benefit of 150 million pesos was generated in the municipalities of Carmen and Campeche.

«This congress has been an enriching space where we have shared and acquired knowledge, experiences, visions about the present and the future of the oil industry in our country.
I want to thank the government of Campeche, thank you very much, Governor, and all your work team, it has been an honor to be together in this process with a single objective: that the CMP 2023 has been a success».


«Today I can tell you that the job is done. We have broken a paradigm. Campeche is now a new venue for this congress,» she reiterated.

The CMP 2023 concludes surely marking an important milestone for the state of Campeche; However, it also represents a change for us congressmen, we take Campeche and its people to our hearts,» she emphasized.

«The committee had the idea of putting an explanation of what each of these recognitions represents, so that we really understand the value that we are giving to that fact, it is one of the objectives of the congress, to favor the hiring of local services and in particular for us it has been very emotional to have the support of all the artisans here in the state,» he said.

He concluded his participation, expressing, «I can tell you today, Governor, that this is not a goodbye but a see you soon. Surely we will see each other here again to celebrate another Mexican Petroleum Congress in this venue».

The Executive Coordinator of the CMP 2024, Humberto Salazar Soto, began by expressing his appreciation to the organizers of the CMP in its 2023 edition, for his excellent work, and his unmatched commitment, which contributed to making this event a true success.

«Their attention to detail and dedication to the development of our oil industry have left an indelible mark. The extraordinary performance they showed has set a high standard for future events,» he argued.
«I am sure that this congress will be a unique opportunity to explore new ideas, share experiences, establish collaborations and above all continue to promote innovation and growth in the oil industry in our country, we will continue building a prosperous and sustainable future for Mexico», he concluded. .

The Closing Dinner of the CMP 2023 was enlivened by the Cuban violinist «Hatman» Cristian Blanco, and concluded with the presentation of the Colombian singer Margarita «La Diosa de la Cumbia».

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