The coast of Campeche has recognized 16 public beaches or community points for social recreation. According to the commissioner of the Commission for the Prevention against Sanitary Risks of Campeche (Copriscam), Diana Arceo, they are ready to receive local, national, and international tourism.

Playa Bonita, Payucan, Sombrerón, Rocamar, Boca del Río, Punta Xen and Sabancuy, are among the most visited destinations in the state.
The vacations began on Friday, April 8 at the end of classes, and while teachers and students will have two weeks off, the state, municipal and federal bureaucrats will have a few days off too.
Health authorities remind citizens to maintain a healthy distance as much as possible, although they recognized that this measure will be difficult on popular beaches.
Facemask and the gel must be used, as well as hand washing at all times.
He also said that at the end of the holiday season, Copriscam will carry out new studies of the conditions, analyze the PH levels and contamination of the beaches, so that they can continue to be suitable for the public even if it is not a vacation so that citizens continue visiting these areas. in the following days.
The Ministry of Health will be supported by the state, municipal, and federal security authorities to ensure the operation that people comply with health regulations and protocols.
The Yucatan Times