Immediate attention measures are concentrated in the health sector, facing the crucial stage that is being lived to avoid the accelerated growth of contagions by coronavirus, explained Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González during the State Roundtable for the Construction of Peace.

In the House of Governors, together with authorities from the Armed Forces, the federal government and members of his cabinet, he promptly followed up on the epidemiological report of COVID-19 and on the actions being taken to respond to the needs of the economic sector for the effects that will cause the health emergency.
Aysa González stated that the health issue deserves urgent attention at this critical stage of the pandemic, so that preventive strategies and immediate response to people with positive or suspected cases should be strengthened.
«We are not skimping on resources to deal with the pandemic in the state, since the most important thing is the life and safety of the population,» he said, instructing the reinforcement of information campaigns on hygiene measures and social distancing, to In order to generate a greater social awareness of how vital it is to follow the recommendations of the health authorities to avoid the accelerated spread of the virus
Likewise, he emphasized that, along with these measures, communication is maintained with the productive sector of the state to attend to their proposals, with the understanding that they are sources of employment for many rural families. «The economy is an essential part of the development and tranquility of the state, hence our commitment is that they will have our support to get ahead,» he pointed out
The govenor, who recognized the support that the federal authorities provided to unblock the highway section of the Lechugal ejido, ruled that acts that violate the tranquility of the state or take public roads will not be allowed, because the full weight of the law will be applied to those who break it.
From part of the Secretary General of the Government, Pedro Armentía López, commented that due to the dry law, a surveillance operation is already implemented to prevent the clandestine sale of alcohol.
At the meeting, the health secretaries, José Luis González Pinzón; of Sustainable Energy Development, Ricardo Ocampo Fernández, and of Tourism, Jorge Manos Esparragoza, reported, respectively, on the number of cases of infection, the first death occurred in Carmen and the report of suspected infected; the training that is being provided to the workers of gas companies and gas stations to protect themselves and the call that is made mainly to the hotel sector of Carmen to no longer make any more reservations, in accordance with the provisions that the federal health sector has ordered.
Octavio Trejo Hermida, commander of the third naval region reported that the surveillance operation on the coast is permanently maintained and that so far no people have been detected on the beaches; the Secretary of Public Security, Jorge Argáez Uribe, presented a report on the support that police elements provide in sanitary filters, and the executive secretary of the State Council for Public Security, Fernando Bolívar Galera, explained that in relation to COVID-19, They have received 214 calls to 9-1-1 and 40 messages to the Covidcamp line.
The person in charge of the office of the Secretariat of Economic Development, Paula Flores Alcalá, reported that meetings are still being held with producers and suppliers of inputs to ensure supply; while the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office (Profeco) reported that it has strengthened its surveillance operations in stores and supermarkets to verify that the price list is available to customers and tortillas are being monitored in the event of complaints of an increase in product cost.
Finally, the delegate of federal development programs, Katia Meave Ferniza, reported that 80 percent of the supports have already been delivered and acknowledged the aid granted by the state government to protect the staff of the Ministry of Welfare that carries the benefits to the most vulnerable population, meanwhile, authorities of the 33rd Military Zone presented the report of the surveillance operations that are carried out in coordination with the three orders of government.