The Ministry of Health will announce weekly in which color each entity or region of the country is located, to determine if it returns to normal or not

Schools, jobs, commercial stores, among others, may resume their activities from June 1, but gradually and depending on the color of the traffic light in your state or region.
This morning, the secretary of economy, Graciela Márquez Colín, explained that all people will be able to return to normal, after the confinement that was established at the national level, with the intention of stopping the spread of the coronavirus, but the reopening of educational activities and economic will be gradually in the country.
From the National Palace, the secretary of economy explained that the «plan for the new normality» will be based on a traffic light that will mark what can be done. To do this, the Ministry of Health will announce weekly in which color each state of the Republic is located. , to determine if it returns to normal or not.
The traffic light has four colors: red, orange, yellow and green, in addition to five categories, which represent activities such as: public and work health measures; essential and non-essential labor; public spaces; vulnerable people and schoolchildren
The traffic light works like this:
When the traffic light is red, only work activities that are considered essential will be allowed, in which three new sectors were added: construction, mining and transportation manufacturing.
In addition to that, the health measures established in each of the colors must be followed, so that people will have to keep washing their hands, wear face masks and keep a healthy distance.
In the orange color, the activities that can be carried out will increase, that is, they will be able to start operating public spaces but in a reduced way.
Health fences will be installed in some workplaces and work protocols such as reduction of working hours or changes of clothes, among others, will be executed.
Vulnerable people, that is, with chronic diseases or older adults, may also join their jobs, but safely and following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.
In yellow the activities will be further expanded, in addition to considering the above, in this color, people will be able to operate with less restriction.
However, in closed public spaces such as: religious temples, cinemas, restaurants, among others there will be more restrictions, activities may be reactivated but they will work in a smaller way and the care for vulnerable people will be medium.
When the traffic light turns green there is no restriction of any kind, everything returns to normal and it will be the moment when schools will also open their doors to receive students. However, security measures must be maintained in all labor institutions.
«As long as there is no vaccine, the recommendations that the Secretary of Health has given must be followed,»
said Márquez Colín.

The secretary of the economy explained that the new normal plan is structured in three stages: one that marks the beginning, contemplated from May 18, the second that is a preparation stage, which runs from May 18 to 31 of the same month, and when the national healthy distance day ends, which is June 1.
He stated that in order to know the color of the traffic light, information for citizens will be constantly maintained and work will be done in coordination with the Ministry of Health, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Relations.
It must be remembered that the states and municipalities that will be the first to join the activities will be those that have not reported any contagion since the disease broke out in Mexico in late February.
At least 269 municipalities in 15 states of the country will be the first to carry out the reopening of activities from May 18.