▪ Conavim outlined uprising alert of the gender violence

 Federal instances recognize measures implemented

After receiving from the Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González the report of accomplishment with the declaration of alert on gender violence against women for the state of Campeche, the first to be given in a public forum in a national level, the head of the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women (Conavim), Fabiola Alanís Sámano, requested the uprising of  Gender Violence Alert in the state and announced the construction in Escárcega  a Women’s Justice Center .

At the Campeche XXI Convention and Exhibition Center, the president of the National Human Rights Commission, Rosario Piedra Ibarra; accompanies the general director of Gender Equality of the Institute of Social Development, María González del Castillo; the general director for a life free of violence and for political and social equality of the National Institute for Women, Anabel López Sánchez and the National Commissioner for the Prevention and Eradication of Violence against Women, they externalized recognition to the Government of Campeche for the actions taken to prevent, attend  and eradicate violence and / or discrimination against women, as well as to strengthen their empowerment.

“The inform presented today gives an account of the actions that the state is taking in response to the AVG declaration and the impact on the lives of women in this state. We recognize the progress and commitment of the state to comply with the measures, «said the national ombusdperson, who also received a volume of  documents from the governor.

 Meaning that of the 25 recommendations given to the entity, 21 have been solved, leaving only four to be fulfilled, which are already in process, he pointed out that the conditions of violence that women, adolescents and girls face in the country every day, They demand that the Gender Violence Alert be put on the table for discussion, since it is a mechanism that represents an area of opportunity to strengthen the protection of the human rights of women who are in situations of violence.

For her part, the head of Conavim stressed that within the important progress in terms of compliance with the gender violence alerts presented by Campeche, the achievements are obtained with the state training program, the attention of the Norm 046, the integration of the state bank of information against violence, the program of attention to persons who generate violence with a gender perspective, and legislative harmonization.

She stressed that it stands out the equal integration of the Chamber of Deputies and the program to promote the culture of non-violence in the education sector .

«The alert is not a punishment, it is an opportunity to interact, work, coordinate and make visible the joint tasks that are being done in favor of women,» said the federal official while announcing that Conavim will allocate resources for a Center of Justice for Women in Escárcega and requested the Interinstitutional and Multidisciplinary Group (GIM), that due to the actions that have been undertaken in Campeche in favor of women, consider the possibility of raising the alert of violence.

At the time, Governor Aysa González said that the alert is an extraordinary mechanism for the protection of women’s human rights, since the social reality demands government actions to confront and eradicate feminicidal violence, as well as the grievances that prevent the exercise full of their fundamental rights.

«It is the duty of every government to guarantee the safety of women and girls, the termination of violence against them and eliminate the inequalities that aggravate them,» he told federal, state and municipal public servants, as well  academics and representatives of civil society.

He indicated that of the 25 measures proposed in the alert declaration, 21 were issued with positive progress, so the remaining four will continue to be strengthened until they are fully complied with, in order to continue advancing in security, prevention, justice and reparation measures. in favor of campechanas women.

«Women deserve to occupy their rightful place, free from violence, where they can offer all their capacity and talent as generators of transformation, growth and development, within a framework of total respect for their integrity and their rights,» she said before giving recognition to the members of the Inter-institutional and Multidisciplinary Group (GIM), for following up on the gender alert.

Earlier, the director of the Institute for Women in the State of Campeche (IMEC), Adriana Ortiz Lanz, said that the entity is committed achieving full gender equality and ensuring respect for the human rights of all Campechanos, especially Women’s.

She explained that after the issuance of the gender alert declaration for the state, in November 2018, the governor instructed immediate attention with joint actions of the instances of the three orders of government and civil society organizations, not only in the eight municipalities declared on alert (Calakmul, Calkiní, Campeche, Candelaria, Champotón, Escárcega, Hecelchakán and Hopelchén), but in the eleven demarcations.

She added that the report contains more than a thousand pieces of evidence that support the work carried out from November 12, 2018 to September 30, 2020, to attend the recommendations issued in the areas of security, prevention, justice and spreading the message Zero Tolerance to the violence against women.

She explained that the work carried out highlights of training with a gender perspective that was provided to about eight thousand federal, state and municipal public servers and members of civil society; the creation of the State Bank of Data and Information on Cases of Violence, in which we have given timely follow-up to 2,023 events; the launch of the Criminal Incident Georeferencing System carried out by the State Attorney General’s Office and the free application for mobile devices Campechana 911, which is informative, preventive and helpful.

In addition, in the educational field, the strategy called CONVIVE was implemented, which promotes safer school environments and free of violence, and to promote empowerment, mainly of the indigenous sector and vulnerable groups, the development of productive and economic projects are supported through the Women programs Grow, Develop, Undertake, Produce and microcredits.

The  general director of Gender Equality of the National Institute for Social Development, pointed out that in order to give greater results to women, teamwork, commitment and bonding of the three powers of the State it is necessary, that each one, from their own ambits of competence and functions, implement programs that impact women and men differently.

Likewise, the general director for a Life Free of Violence and for Political and Social Equality of the National Institute of Women, welcomed the attention that the government of Campeche has given to the declaration of alert of gender violence, because instead After stigmatizing it, he saw it as an opportunity to strengthen actions to prevent and eradicate violence. «It is an example that should be taken to other states,» she stressed.

Translated by Patricia Rubio

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