He heads the CEPC session to evaluate damages in Calakmul

The help given to the population is not to make politics, it is to attend to the needs of the people who were really affected,» said Governor Carlos Miguel Aysa González at the session of the State Council for Civil Protection (CEPC), where Calakmul City Council presented a balance of the effects of the municipality had due to the rains caused by tropical storms Amanda and Cristóbal in the areas of housing, infrastructure and agriculture, mainly.
During the meeting it was reported the aid to families in Calakmul will continue to be strengthened, since the president of the DIF State System, Victoria Damas de Aysa, will bring more food and various supplies, as well pantries and cleaning items donated by the NGO Save the Children.
The head of the state executive also announced that next week he will start the 10 water purification plants that the state administration wil sent to the region to supply the liquid to the populations. The equipment is already installed in the localities, it is only waiting for the Federal Electricity Commission to proceed with the completion of the connection works, so Aysa González asked the CFE Distribución Campeche superintendent, Gonzalo Perera Plancarte, to speed up the procedures to start functioning.
The governor, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Government, Pedro Armentía López, underlined the immediate support given to Campeche by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, since the Ministry of Civil Protection received various supplies in the early hours of this Friday, among those that stand out 100 thousand liters of water, 100 thousand lamina and the same number of mats; in the next few hours the arrival of pantries are expected.
«This is a serious government, so I ask that the aid be given to the people who really need it, it is not to do politics,» he stated during the meeting where the Health Secretary, José Luis González Pinzón, signify that the combat of Aedes Aegypti mosquito are fumigated in Campeche, Escárcega and Carmen. Today they will start in Hopelchén and in a phased manner it will cover the other municipalities.

The Secretary of Civil Protection, Edgar Hernández Hernández, reported that in Calakmul the rains mainly affected the communities of Bel-Há, Manuel Castillo Brito and Eugenio Echeverría Castellot. To the date, stormwater levels have dropped significantly, allowing families to return to their homes.

When presenting the damage balance, the mayor of Calakmul, Luis Felipe Mora Hernández, commented that although the municipality was not severely affected by the rains, deterioration did occur in homes, harvest roads, bridges, posts, lights, sewers and streets. The livestock, poultry and beekeeping sectors, as well the crops of corn, lemon, chihua and vegetables also suffered losses.

He specified that of 84 communities that make up the municipal territory, 57 were affected; none are found incommunicado and repair work are already underway on the damaged infrastructure.
In his opportunity, the director of the Water and Sewerage Commission (Capae), Sergio Berzunza Camejo, reported that the López Mateos-Xpujil aqueduct had some electrical power failures, in pumping stations and lines, mainly, so communities are supplied with the liquid through pipes, while the repair works that already underway are completed.
He pointed out that in order to reactivate the aqueduct as soon as possible, a by-pass is being placed in the area where there was a landslide, filler with stone material is applied and the water is discharged to replace the damaged pipeline.
Later, the director of the SCT Campeche center, Armando Araiza Armenta, specified that the effects of the torrential rains caused damage to some roads in Calakmul, such as at kilometer 111 of Escárcega-Chetumal and at 156 of the highway to Xpujil. Both sections are open to traffic.
Regarding the feeder roads, he indicated that in the Xpujil-Justo Sierra there were damages in some parts of the drainage, and in the Xpujil-Dzibalchén cuts in the road, but provisional work were immediately carried out to restore circulation.
The commanders of the National Guard, Federico Prieto Anota and of the 33rd Military Zone, Enrique Dena Salgado, presented the update of the report on rescue, evacuation, medical care and delivery of pantries.
The delegate of the Conagua, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Todd, pointed out that the precipitations that occurred, from May 29 to June 6, left 760 liters of water per square meter in Calakmul, that is, almost five times more than what traditionally rains in the region.
Regarding the weather forecast for the weekend, he explained that the frontal system # 67 is located in the Gulf of Mexico with stationary characteristics,it will favor the entrance of humidity to the Yucatan Peninsula causing showers in the north of the state, and in the center and south, strong to very strong storms with electrical activity. For tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, more precipitation are expected, but it will not be as intense as what happened in the past days, and it is estimated that it will decrease on Monday.
Translated BY Patricia Rubio