Mèrida, Yucatàn, (May 25, 2021).- Around 6:30 in the afternoon of this Monday, May 24, the ceiling of the crafts and jewelry store Fantasías Miguel, located in downtown Mérida, on the corner of 58 and 59 streets, collapsed.
Jennifer Ortega, a witness to the incident, said that she was with her mother in the building when they heard a thunderous noise: “We heard that it collapsed and something exploded, we did not know if it was outside or inside the place. They all started running and screaming in despair”, she said.
She mentioned that the employees ran out of the building, however, one of them tried to calm down the customers and get them out of the store in an orderly fashion.
Employees were also checking that no one took any products from the store.
The witness emphasized that she did not see any person among the rubble, or injured.
Due to the collapse of part of the roof of the “Fantasías Miguel” store located on 59-58 street in downtown Mérida, the employees were completely evicted, the area was delimited and surrounding streets were closed for safety reasons.
The Directorate of Claims and Rescue of the SSP Yucatán worked in the place and confirmed that there were no injured people from this incident.
The area was cordoned off and monitored by personnel from the Red Cross, firefighters, municipal police, and the state police.
Photo: La Jornada Maya
The Yucatan Times